sábado, 8 de octubre de 2011

This week...


Seriously! Too tired to even write paragraphs:

1.) Driving to Rustenburg for a meeting is tiring. Its a long drive.
2.) Exercise endorphins are real. After outdoor bootcamp with Helen I was on such a high.
3.) I am so unfit.
4.) I can hardly walk now because of outdoor bootcamp. I blame Helen.
5.) Working till 8pm and then bumping my 6 month old car into a concrete pillar in the parking lot. There were lots of tears. Epic Fail.
6.) Meeting with scary project manager of doom on friday morning went well. Having no lunch and having to borrow money for takeout from boss not so great.
7.) I am going to become a Visual Impact Assessment specialist. Apparently. Hmmmm...well, thats my company's plan.
8.) Savanah has a boyfriend that is 3 years older than her. Its all official on facebook now. It worries me. I don't trust 17 year old boys. But I trust Savanah.
9.) Brian bought a new tv stand and coffee table last weekend. It will be delivered next week. Its so pretty. I am very ready to get rid of my hand me down tv stand and coffee table.
10.) COLDPLAY tonight. So excited. The biggest concert I have ever seen was Meatloaf when I was 10.

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