I spent hours reading this pretty picture book
And I always wanted a cat. I wanted a companion who would cuddle up next to me; a quiet friend. I wanted to fall asleep next to a soft purring body and watch a little kitten pounce. The problem was my dad and brothers were allergic to cats so although my dad loves animals, a cat was out of the question. Until 7 years ago. My mom came home with a little bundle. She had walked past a pet store and they were giving kittens away. And she got one for me.
Now if you knew my mom, you would know that this was the most surprising part. My mom is not the 'animal person' in the family. She loves the dogs we had and she was the person who did all the work but she was also the person who did not want new pets. So when she arrived home with a little black speck, 20 years of dreaming was at an end.
And I was not disappointed. I named my kitten, Spinx and she had so much personality. Firstly, she was not so taken with me. She was quite unsure of everything but also determined to take control of her new world. She refused to cuddle next to me when I first got her and instead would stalk to the edge of the bed to sleep. She didn't purr in my arms either: she squirmed. But I loved her. I loved that she didn't love me automatically. I loved that she although she was scared, she was also courageous. I babied her and was very over protective (which means she is very much a baby when it comes to anything now) and she grew to love me too.
She loved days when I would stay and bed to work/read/sleep and she would snuggle under the blankets. She would be waiting at the door when I arrived home after visiting my boyfriend. And having moved out of home now, we are even closer. We watch TV together and I definitely sound like a crazy cat lady when I come home and start talking to her. There is something so welcoming about her purr and so even though my boy is away during the week, I am never lonely.
"One must love a cat on its own terms."- Paul Gray
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