martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

Happy Birthday to me!

Have I ever mentioned that I love birthdays? Well do!

I suppose now I should worry about getting older but it doesn't really phase me. Mainly since I am just happy in my life at the moment. I don't feel particularly grown up most days. In fact, I feel that I am learning most of the time. Maybe its because I feel 16 in my head. Its hard to worry when you still think like a 16 year old ;)

I was so totally spoilt this MONTH (I've had a birthday month- a day is not enough :p). I got my laptop, I started a new job, I got a great new haircut and a Este Laude gift set from Brian's mom. And flowers from Brian. That he arranged himself...he was very proud. He also wrote me the most beautiful message in my birthday card. I am not showing off. Well, maybe a little. But not in a mean way. It so easy to get used to how awesome he is but when I brag about the little things he does it reminds me how looked after and loved I am. I am seriously lucky.

Did I mention he took the day off work so he would be here with me? Yip, he did and then he vacuumed and washed the floor. And we're going out for sushi now. Mmmmmnnnnn! Exciting.

Anyway, have a great day people! :)

p.s. Have you seen the Michael Bolton song about Captain Jack Sparrow. So SO ODD! It makes me laugh.

p.s. 2 I was travelling around the Eastern and Northern Cape last week. Its so beautiful! We were there for work (looking at the P.E. mainline railway) so most of my pictures involve railway tracks or plants. But I think this one is pretty.

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