viernes, 24 de junio de 2011

Internet addict

We have had no internet this week and I have nearly died. Which I think shows exactly how unproductive I am lately. I must stop it now! Well, actually on Monday because the network guys have made such a mess in my office and I can't tidy it because they are not finished. Eugh!

In other news: I had a puncture on Tuesday which was really annoying. My car is only 3 months old. But I managed to roll into a petrol station and three really sweet attendants changed it for me. Who says chivalry is dead? Its just not always what you expect.

I went to a pub quizz with Helen and P1 and friends on Wednesday which was fun. We had a mascot called "Elvis the Pelvis" and P1 kept making him dance. I realise that I dont know very much general knowledge. I mean its always on the tip of my tongue. Its so annoying.

My sister is watching the Script with her friends tonight. She is so excited. She slept over last night and she has exams today so currently my head is filled with Grade 8 Biology and Script songs. Have you seen how pretty he is? No wonder my sis loves him!

Brian is feeling sick. And he was in a bad mood on skype yesterday but I get that because skype is annoying (or at least the internet connection at home is). So the call wasn't as fun as it usually is. But he is such a sweetheart- he phoned a few hours later to apologise for being grouchy. Isn't that sweet?

I am going to go sign my contract this afternoon. Hmmm. Contracts scare me. Oh well. Also I've just renewed the lease on our place. Its so exciting knowing we are going to be there for another year. I moved around a lot when I was younger so a life long dream is to have one home and stay there!

So anyway, this weekend I am looking forward to relaxing and enjoying myself. The students are away from Monday so there will be plenty of time to catch up on admin and get everything sorted. Its definitely a good friday and good week.

p.s. Did I mention I got a job?

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