martes, 19 de julio de 2011

6.7 changes for a year

So I had this idea for Madiba's birthday. I didn't get around to organising my 67 minutes and I really want to make a difference. The problem is I often feel its futile. I was watching Harry's Law last week and this conversation really got to me because its such a big part of life in South Africa. She was talking to Tommy Jefferson (T) who is a bit weird so excuse some of the things he says.

T) "Do you ever look at homeless people on the street?"
H) "Sorry?"
(T) "You know. You're walking down the street. See a homeless person sitting on the curb. Do you look? Make eye contact?"
T) "I don't"
H) "They make you nauseous?" (refers to a previous discussion)
T) "No. I don't look because it depresses me. Not so much because they're homeless but because I CAN'T HELP THEM".
T) "Not in the whole. I mean sure - I should give the guy ten bucks. But, 30 yards down the street there's another one... and another one . . . and another one. I don't look because futility overcomes me!"
Harry shaking her head...
(T) "There's suffering all over the world, Harry. I can't make a difference. The futility of it all."

Well, do you look at beggars on the drive home? At every traffic light? In every parking lot? It made be think of two things. The first being the story of the little girl saving washed up starfish - "it makes a difference to the one I throw back" and the second - "be the change you want to see". So this list may not be huge. It may show you exactly how 'small' a person I am but I can only hope to help people if I change myself and the only way to do that is slowly. Also somethings may sound 'colonial' but they are not meant to. I do want to be a better person.

1.) Every month buy a few bags of apples or oranges etc. and give it out to beggars on the side of the road
2.)Click on the Barking Mad website everyday (One click = 1 bowl of food)
3.) Make sure that I have change for petrol attendants (I often run out of change)
4.) Try and compliment everyone I meet - everyone loves a compliment and the world needs happier people. Say hello and thank you to tellers even if I have had a hard day. Ask car guards about their day- show some interest and be a nicer person.
5.) During the holidays, volunteer at different places and donate clothes to charities
6.) Recyle!!! AND .7) Be more positive

Yes, I know that its not huge and its not 67 things either. Some of these things I try do already but I need to try harder. I need to make it part of my life. I need to be a nicer and more positive person. One of the things I have noticed both times that my wallet has been stolen this year is how people don't care. I want to care. I want to help people if they need help, I want to take the time. I think at the moment, its the best I can do to make a difference.

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