martes, 16 de agosto de 2011


The sound that time makes when it flies past. Whoosh!

I can't believe that it is the middle of August. I can't believe that I have been at my new job for 16 days. I can't believe I will be 27 at the end of the month. I can't believe that Brian and I will have been together for 5 years on 5 September. Time really does fly.

And when you're busy, days go so much faster. And I am soooo busy. I have two projects at work at the moment (they're going easy on me- most people have 5 or 6). One of the projects is more research based while the other one is more the typical environmental application stuff. It is so scary and such a learning curve. Since I started I have gone to two meetings at Transnet, had a telephone interview with someone from the Durban muncipality. I met the senior researcher at the South African Human Rights Commission. And I have three more meetings this week. Then next week I jet off to Port Elisabeth for a site visit. Pretty cool. I am excited and scared. But mainly excited.

I also received:
1 x bright yellow construction jacket
1 x bright yellow construction vest
1 x blue helmet
1 pair of construction boots

I kind of feel like a kid playing dress up. I suppose that being an adult just means you're old enough to do what you want but instead have to do what you must. But its pretty cool now because doing what I want is pretty close to doing what I must. I mean I get to sleep half an hour later, still get to work early and I am enjoying coming home mentally tired.

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